Eloisa Minasi
From Homeschool to Harvard
Without paying a cent
Tested strategies to improve your children's education in
Traditional and Homeschool settings
Full-time or part-time homeschooling
Part-time homeschoolingvvv
The purpose of my book is to help homeschoolers succeed in their new endeavor. I will share tried and true strategies to help children who are in a brick-and-mortar school or already homeschooled. Regardless, of how and where children are being educated, parents should supplement their children’s education. Without a doubt, if full-time homeschooling is not an option, part-time homeschooling could be the solution to help a child thrive. The worldwide pandemic was quite chocking to everyone and especially parents who had to not only worry about their family’s health, but also were responsible to “teach” their own children. If the upheaval has you concerned and you are considering homeschooling, this website and my book can help answer your questions and provide solutions...
Supplementing children's education
Reasons for Homeschooling
Capitalize on each child’ strength/ Build up weak areas/ Learn outside of the home (Trips, parks, and museums)/ Build up weak areas /Choose your own curriculum/ Adapt the schedule to each child’s needs/ Accelerate and decelerate the pace as needed.
Eloisa Minasi is an electrical engineer, engineering consultant, teacher, and writer. She is an adviser for homeschool support groups and college students in Brazil and United States. In addition, she was a volunteer scout leader, technical consultant for the FTC robot competition, and taught religious education for special needs children. Her Blog Homeschooling for Academic Success –– From Homeschool to Harvard Without Paying a Cent –– has helped thousands of homeschoolers in North and South America.

Tested strategies for children in
Traditional School or Homeschooled

As an engineer I am trained to solve problems, so I treated the education system’s limitations as a problem I needed to solve for my kids’ sake. Then I wrote a book about it to help other parents. From Homeschool to Harvard Without Paying a Cent reveals proven strategies I used over a 10-year period, starting when I supplemented my sons’ education at a public elementary school and then transitioned to homeschooling. My strategies address top concerns faced by homeschoolers and traditional school students. Moreover the book also benefits parents who were forced to homeschool their children due to the pandemic. More importantly, it fills the gap in the “How to Homeschool” book market…
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Are you curious about what curriculum other homeschool parents use?
I have interviewed thousands of homeschoolers throughout the United States and they shared their preferred curriculums. Click here for a comprehensive list.
Do your strategies work for children who struggle with schoolwork?
My strategies work for any student. My sons’ educational outcomes reflect their academic skills in combination with our educational choices. In fact, they are not geniuses; they had to apply themselves...
Insecure about homeschool
The transition from being an electrical engineer, working in a fast-paced industry to becoming a homeschool mom was not as easy as I envisioned.As many homeschool parents, I often questioned if homeschooling was the right decision for our family and whether it would affect my sons’ chances of getting a college degree...
What to teach each year?
Although Florida does not set requirements for homeschool students, some states do. High school classes are usually pretty similar throughout the country because universities establish class requirements. To illustrate, North Dakota, Pennsylvania, and New York are the only states that enforce high school graduation requirements to homeschoolers...

Mastery vs. spiral approach (Math Placement tests)
There are a multitude of math curriculums available for homeschoolers; consequently, research each learning method. Understanding each method makes it easier to select curriculums that will benefit each child.
The spiral approach introduces a new concept, and teachers move on to a new topic even if students did not master the concept; although the concept is revisited as new topics are introduced.

should homeschoolers be tested?
Standardized tests are a highly controversial topic in the school system. Since the No Child Left Behind Act passed, which was meant to hold schools liable for students’ academic progress, assessment tests became more questionable.

The most common speech disorders are articulation, apraxia, fragile X syndrome, and stuttering. Although some children may outgrow their speech disorder and not require help, others may require speech therapy.
Although children should be evaluated by a speech therapist, articulation screen tests are available online to help parents assess if their children’s speech is typical for their age or delayed. These sites show a picture related to a word and its sound position (initial, middle, or final position)…
- Personal finances
- Speed reading
- Schedule
Personal finance is a high school elective, which we covered in middle school. My sons learned about checking and savings accounts, importance of saving for retirement (401K and pension), insurances (house, car, medical and life), credit score, and house and car loans… READ MORE
I didn’t realize this was something parents had to worry about when children were in elementary school, but my son’s teacher mentioned that my son was finishing tests much later than his peers and she felt that he needed to improve his speed… READ MORE
One of the benefits of homeschooling is that you do not have to stick to a schedule. However, there are many benefits to being consistent. For instance, children avoid procrastination when given a starting time and stay on track by adhering to a schedule, which is essential to guarantee short- and long-term goals are met. Don’t try to imitate the public school… READ MORE
College preparation for homeschoolers
The angst of college preparation affects homeschoolers just like it does brick-and-mortar students. Therefore, throughout my book, I share tested strategies I used to prepare my sons for college…

Transitioning from a brick-and-mortar school to homeschool
We had an easy transition from a traditional school to homeschool because it was child-initiated. Since my elder son wanted to be homeschooled, he was very open to have me supplement his education while he was still in school.
Critical thinking skills
Any sound educational program should apply critical-thinking skills and incorporate them into every lesson for all subject areas. For that reason, allow students to ask open-ended questions and integrate different points of view into your lesson. Students need to be familiar with the topic in order to have meaningful discussions, therefore understanding the connections between different ideas is vital…